UK “prime minister has nowhere to go” .. ouch… cool heads needed for real world challenges ahead .. few better journalists than Philip Stephens on matters relating to importance of international order.

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Thank you!

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Yet another remainer trope with a large dash of self loathing - hard to equate the intellectual rigour that went into this piece considering the events of Monday.

Whilst the sun has set on our empire, I remain to be convinced that we throw in the towel & join forces with Germany & France to rescue a moribund political & monetary project called the EU.

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By their delusion you shall know them. How’s that internal customs border working out for you sovereignty boy?

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This is the key part of the essay, “ the UK has ceased to be a trustworthy partner. “

Since 2016 the UK has continued to commit significant acts of self-harm, and the perpetrators haven’t faced any significant consequences. Britains credibility is shaky at best and that is the new reality. British political leaders still think they are operating with the credibility the country had prior to 2016. So when Truss makes silly comments about the President of France during the summer it resonates deeply because the world frankly thinks we now a silly country. Only a silly country would have six, either totally or broadly incompetent Foreign Secretaries since leaving the EU! Likewise silly comments taking all the credit for backing down Russia global threat feeds this same perception. Rather than talking seriously about global insurance markets and Russian oil. This all matters when you announce an un-costed $100bn bailout and quite rightly the world doesn’t think you know what you are doing. We’re told Truss likes to think unconventionally which is the last thing we need. Rebuilding relations urgently with the EU rather than parroting silly comments that have passed through the transitory special advisors that surround Conservative Prime Ministers might allow her to sound less silly and that would be a start. Britain doesn’t need to search for a role, it had a good one that is still much needed.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Philip Stephens

Well argued and immediately begging the questions “what next” and “what is the role of Britain as a tier 2 nation within a 21st Century World“?

The most recent manifestation of jingoistic imperial action is the UK buying two extremely expensive aircraft carriers that Britain cannot afford to run, that are arguably just large targets for small foes that have asymmetric warfare in mind, and that really have no serious defense role in 21st Century Britain. They are White Elephants that are more there to support the US Military Industrial Complex than to support UK Defense

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The aircraft carriers always looked like an odd decision when the USA is your largest ally and the UK would not engage in military action without US support and all that comes with it. Now we have them it might be an idea to make sure they work and don’t breakdown 2 days into their first mission to the USA.

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Agreed but, at a more basic level, what role do Carriers have in the Defense of the UK and are there not better Defense choices to spend our taxes on?

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

Very well-argued Philip. if only that could happen.

Brexit is and will be the major irritant in UK's relationships with its allies. The Government must have known, it has been duped by Putin over Brexit, hence the non-appearance of the Russia Report. May suspected that Johnson was a Russian asset when he was Foreign Secretary, but he was allowed to continue as PM, until his self-sabotage got out of hand. So, I doubt if this ERG/Mercer driven cabal would welcome or listen to advice from Biden or the EU, along the lines you suggest. Valid and instructive as your advice is always.

If they carry on with their plans, then a likely outcome, is the Billy-No-Mates scenario, Scotland and Wales rejoining the EU as independent nations, NI folded into a new Ireland. Leaving England alone with its glorious past. But its development of Free Ports, Tax Haven expansion and low tax rates is likely to render it a pariah among nations.

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Thanks. I hope you are little too pessimistic!

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Brutally honest analysis and beautifully written, as always.

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Many thanks..

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If they would just listen....

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If only....

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